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About ladder

We are happy to announce the release of ladder, an Elo leaderboard app for Slack! You can install it via direct URL, or by clicking the button below:

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Getting Started

Everyone starts at a rating of 1200. To get a leaderboard started, create a new room in Slack. Each room gets its own leaderboard, so go nuts! #ping-pong, #pool-8-ball, and #pool-9-ball can all live side-by-side in your workspace.

Once you have a room created, enter a match!

You can enter multiple games at once. All wins are recorded first, then all losses.

Now let's fast forward a little bit. I've added some fake users to show what an Elo ladder might end up looking like. Type "/ladder top" to see the best players!

Notice that the ratings are accompanied by colorful emoji. You can customize these for your own workspace by adding emoji of the form :ladder_[score_range]:, which are done in 50-Elo increments. Shown above: :ladder_1250:, :ladder_1200:, :ladder_1150:, and :ladder_1100:. A default emoji (:white_medium_square:) will be used for any missing scores. Download ladder's default image theme here!